Sometimes Dals are the best therapy

Dec 6, 2016

Sometimes Dals are the best therapy

Dec 6, 2016

A warm cuddle, a cold nose, a soft coat. Few things provide true comfort like a dog…they just know, and they are there for you. Congratulations to Kathy and Dinah’s littermate Wesley (CH U-CH URO1 Blackthorn Ravenwood Come Fly With Me RN CGCA THDX RL1-AOE RL1X ADP-CH ADP-L2GC CRO-L1 IDPKA-N ADT TT CHIC) who earned his AKC Therapy Dog Excellent title (the title requires 200 therapy visits). Everyone who meets him falls in love with him. He is an amazing ambassador for the breed who has brought amusement, comfort and solace to many.